Hello, Betty,
and a very warm welcome to The Naughty Pages. I’m thrilled to have you here
today to discuss your writing.
~So tell
me, what specifically do you write?
I like to
write about stubborn dominate man. Who demand their own way. I like to put them
in the 1800’s. It’s the Historical Romance bug in me. I guess.
Love a bit of the historical from time to time, myself!
type of writer are you; do you plot it out or, like myself, are you a pantser?
I’m a
little of both. Usually, I have plotted out the settings, major events, and
ending in great detail. Once I start to write my characters tend to ad-lib some
very interesting stuff I hadn’t thought of before.
~Why did
you first take up the pen, so to speak?
In 2008
unemployed and bored to death. Unemployed meant funds were tight and I had
re-read every book in the house. I had the time and decided to write the book I
wanted to read. Boy, was I surprised.
Definitely, I am
a newbie.
If I had known, I would be doing this earlier
in life I would have taken classes to learn how to do it correctly. I struggle
with every sentence. Now, I’m too old in the sense every time I think I get it
right tomorrow I have forgotten it. I really don’t mind because I decided to
have fun with it and I do.
And really, isn't that the important thing? Enjoying it, having fun with it, means the passion is there.
write specific genres, do you find them enjoyable to read as well?
writes the more erotic dominate romances. I do read a few every now and again.
~As a
writer, who is an idol of yours?
I not sure she’s what I call my Idol. I do
like Cherise Sinclair’s works. She makes you look forward to reading with the anticipation of what’s next.
~Is it
the same person for you as a reader? If not, who is your favourite author to
That’s a
hard one for I read so many different genes now. I really don’t have a current
favorite. That’s one of the outcomes of being a writer. You get exposed to
books you never would have looked twice at before. Now you read them and
enjoyed them.
~Are there any shoutouts you’d like to make?
Yes, there
are. Sizzler Editions- Jean Marie Stine whose kind words encouraged me to push
past the self-doubt and just write. The Readers for without them where would we
be. And the authors I have come to know who believe in the ‘Pay it forward ‘
and stepped up to share ideas and their knowledge with me.
On the musical stage in 1856 Lori Ann a singer extraordinaire impresses the audiences with her voice: male admirers line up for a chance to meet her - and an enamored Zeke Kincaid is one of them. A dominant man as well as an honorable one, he proposes marriage - but foolishly she refuses.
Once a Kincaid man chooses his mate it’s a done deal as far as they are concerned. Zeke does the only thing he knows the same as many men in his family before him did. He spirits Lori Ann away, and begins to train her to be submissive and obedient in the Kincaid tradition.
In all ways Zeke can think of Lori Ann will learn to please him - and he will return to the town of Paradise to finish her training.
All goes well ... until the day Lori Ann vanishes...
Purchase links https://sizzlereditions.com/2013/03/zeke-kincaids-woman-by-betty-carlton/
Website: http://bettysbloggingplace.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/betty.carlton.35
Facebook author page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Betty-Carlton-Books/188923114471788
Twitter: https://twitter.com/betcar1